
The association "Cultural and Historical Heritage of Latvia" has set the following tasks:

1. Organize educational and events of experience exchange.
2. To maintain and develop the information platforms of the association in the Internet environment.
3. To organize, participate in and promote local, national and international research activities, conferences, exhibitions and seminars, and related publishing activities.
4. Encourage and implement initiatives related to the development of social and digital innovations in the field of history and culture research.
5. Recognize and highlight the achievements of the association's members, creating a positive resonance of the association's work in society and promoting the spread of good practices.
6. Represent the association and maintain relations with Latvian and international non-governmental organizations, forming bilateral or multilateral cooperation.
7. Attract funding by participating in projects for the implementation of local and international activities.
8. Represent the Association in the media, professional and social media.
9. Hire employees and attract cooperation partners for the performance of the association's tasks in order to achieve the goal specified in the regulation of the assosiation.
10. To carry out economic and other activities permitted by regulatory acts to achieve the goals specified in the regulations of Association.